Wealth Management

(New York)

Not only is the broker protocol collapsing underneath the feet of advisors, but a new court ruling has just set a precedent which will likely make it harder for advisors to switch firms. A recent ruling by the Georgia Court of Appeals says that advisors who have agreed in a contract to give advance notice of departure, but then do not, are not covered by the Broker Protocol. The case stemmed from a smaller firm, Aprio Wealth Management, making a claim against a group of advisors who moved to Morgan Stanley. “We’re really pleased with the court-of-appeals ruling on this case … We think it’s a very meaningful decision for small and midsize firms, especially for registered investment advisers that can feel confident they’ll be protected from poaching like happened to us”.

FINSUM: The bottom line of this story seems to be that one needs to make sure to give appropriate notice. However, that is not always be easy as there might be extenuating circumstances.

(New York)

There has been a lot of media attention over the last year about the rise of faith-based and politics-based investing. New ETFs and advisors are currently cropping up to cater to investors who would like to invest based on these principles. However, Barry Ritholtz thinks the concepts may not be a good mix. The author looks at the returns of a popular biblical-based fund and finds that its performance lags broader indices significantly. Ritholtz argues that investors need to check their emotions at the door when investing, which is why this kind of philosophical investing may not create good returns. Ritzholtz says “Do your civic duty on Election Day and vote, go to church on Sundays, but always bring a cool unemotional detachment to investing on Mondays”.

FINSUM: The fees on these types of funds also tend to be much higher, which means that you are losing on both ends. That said, the peace of mind people get from investing in things they feel morally comfortable with may be greater than the expense.

(New York)

The fee war on ETF trading continues, both for advisors and for retail. Trading platforms providers have been engaged in an ongoing struggle to attract assets by slashing the price of trading, and Vanguard just took a big step. While Vanguard used to charge retail investors a flat fee for trades depending on their AUM (trading Vanguard funds was always free), the company is now cutting transaction fees for aboutx 1,800 ETFs on its platform. No more trading fees at all. The move follows Fidelity’s recent addition of more fee-free ETFs. FINSUM: This is a big deal. 1,800 fee-free ETFs dwarfs the competition and we definitely think it will help Vanguard gather more assets, both retail and institutional.

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