Displaying items by tag: stocks

Some of the biggest names in finance are benefitting from a lack of reliable ESG data in emerging markets. Federated Hermes is one firm that has spent considerable time over the past year building its ESG exposure to emerging markets. The company says “artificially low” environmental, social and governance ratings have created opportunities for investors. Martin Todd, a portfolio manager at Federated Hermes told Bloomberg that “the mainstream ESG ratings firms often give emerging-market stocks a lower ranking because of fewer disclosures relative to companies listed in the developed markets. That’s created some really interesting valuation opportunities.” In emerging markets, ESG regulations are less advanced than in developed markets and ratings aren’t as established. In fact, ESG ratings for emerging market companies are artificially low due to a lack of disclosure, not because of any particular concern. While that creates an extra layer of risk for some investors, for firms with deep pockets, it provides an opportunity to beat the market.

Finsum:Fund managers are generating alpha in emerging market ESG stocks due to a lack of disclosure and artificially low ratings.

Published in Wealth Management
Sunday, 30 October 2022 09:04

A rebalancing act

Stocks and bonds during the first half of the year?

Kerplunk. Scientifically speaking, of course.

That’s where balancing could come in handy, according to morningstar.com. Investors who abided by strategy dictated by discipline wouldn’t have taken as big a hit, according to morningstar.com.

Of course, rebalancing doesn’t come with any guarantees when it comes to generating an improvements on returns, results this year show why maintaining a tight rein on risk isn’t such a bad idea.

As an investor, whether you’ve been around the block a few times or are wet behind the ears, your priorities probably vary widely, according to smartasset.com.

Thinking about building a portfolio from scratch? Well, you might want to try this instead: you’ll be assigned a pre built model portfolio by many advisors.

Also consider that most investment advisors keep close tabs on and review their model portfolios to make sure they’re achieving their benchmarks and doing their thing at level that are proper. But that doesn’t happen at the snap of a snap of the fingers; instead the process entails rebalancing each portfolio, which your ability to maintain the asset allocation that was designated.

Published in Bonds: IG
Monday, 24 October 2022 11:21

Strong Dollar Boosting Small Caps

Small-cap stocks appear to be having their moment this year outperforming their large-cap peers. The S&P 600 small-cap index is currently on pace to outperform the S&P 500 for the first time since 2016. One reason for their outperformance is a strong U.S. dollar. This is due to the negative effect that a strong dollar has on the profits of multinational companies. A strong dollar harms U.S. companies that sell goods overseas by making them less affordable. Smaller companies, on the other hand, are more insulated from adverse currency effects as most of their business is done stateside. For instance, companies in the S&P 600 index generate only 20% of their revenue outside the U.S, while companies in the S&P 500 generate 40% of their sales abroad. This had led to some of the largest companies in the U.S warning of currency risks in their latest earnings calls. In addition to a strong dollar, small caps are also benefitting from better valuations. According to FactSet, the S&P 600 is trading at 10.8 times expected earnings over the next 12 months, which is well below the S&P 500’s forward price/earnings ratio of 15.3.

Finsum: Small-cap stocks are outperforming large-cap stocks this year due to a strong U.S. dollar and more attractive valuations.

Published in Eq: Small Caps

NDVR, a Wealth Optimization firm, recently unveiled NDVR Unified Equityan actively managed personalized indexing strategy. NDVR, which was created by a team of Quant Ph. D.s and technology innovators, offers a proprietary investing platform for high net worth investors that features personalized direct indexing and active factors such as Extended Market, Low Volatility, Momentum, Quality and Value, tax-loss harvesting, and Socially Responsible Investing. The Unified Equity strategy will target traditional alpha, tax alpha, and fee alpha through direct ownership of U.S. equities and is designed to deliver more aligned portfolios with greater efficiency than index funds and separately managed accounts. The strategy starts with a universe of 1,500 large-, mid-, and liquid small-cap stocks traded on U.S. markets. Investors can then create a portfolio using goals, requirements, and investing preferences in the NDVR Portfolio Lab. The NDVR Optimization Engine analyzes that plan and builds a custom portfolio that is optimized to deliver the growth and secured spending that was targeted by the investor.

Finsum: As direct indexing continues to proliferate, wealth optimization firm NDVR unveiled an active personalized direct indexing strategy that high net worth investors can customize through their platform

Published in Wealth Management
Wednesday, 19 October 2022 17:08

eToro Launches ESG Portfolio

eToro, an Israeli social investor network, recently announced the launch of ESG-Leaders, a portfolio that offers retail investors long-term exposure to companies leading the way in ESG best practices. The portfolio is created by identifying companies with some of the highest ESG scores in their sectors. The portfolio will also take into consideration factors such as market capitalization, liquidity, and sell-side analyst ratings. The 11 sectors covered include consumer discretionary, consumer staples, energy, financials, healthcare, industrials, information technology, materials, real estate, telecommunication services, and utilities. Some names currently in the portfolio are Colgate-Palmolive, NVIDIA, Costco, and Union Pacific. The initial investment for the portfolio starts at $500. The portfolio launch follows the introduction of ESG scores for over 2,700 stocks on eToro's platform. ESG scores, which are powered by ESG Book, combine up-to-date market news, NGO signals, and company-reported information that enable users to consider ESG factors when creating portfolios. Investors can keep track of stock developments on eToro’s social feed.

Finsum: Following the launch of ESG scores on the eToro platform, investors can now access an ESG -Leader’s portfolio of stocks with the highest scores.

Published in Wealth Management
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