Displaying items by tag: stocks

Tuesday, 19 October 2021 19:38

Value’s Rally is Still Alive

Value stocks are usually sought after for their relatively cheap prices trading at low P/E ratios or below book values. They had been on a near decade-long losing streak that culminated in the Pandemic crisis, which drove investors to the lofty tech-based growth stocks, but things turned around for value in September 2020 but were once again stalled out by the delta variant. However, as the economy begins to once again stabilize value is coming back with a vengeance. Bankruptcy concerns and thin profit margins are no longer fears, and value is at the ultimate discount. Research Affiliates, and investment strategy firm, value is poised to return between 5-10% in the coming decade. Global vaccine rates are making progress and cyclical sectors and hence then value sectors are going to turn around the way they started to in September 2020.

FINSUM: Value’s comeback seems inevitable, the ultra-low prices are out of wack stability will see value outperforming other factors in the upcoming year.

Published in Eq: Value
Saturday, 16 October 2021 10:19

Why International Stocks are Jumping

The European Stockxx 600 was up .5% on Friday driven by earning releases in the banking sector. That trend followed around the globe as Asia-Pacific’s Taiex index boosted 2% and Wallstreet’s S&P was up 2%. It was strong financial earnings in U.S., and semiconductors in the East pushing the Taiex. All of this happens as inflations concerns continue in the U.S. as consumer prices rose 5.4% on the year, but the Euro areas are seeing the opposite results as monthly inflation was negative in France. The common price thread is definitely in energy prices as Brent crude hit $84.40 a barrel.

FINSUM: The trickling earning reports have generally exceeded expectations. That trend looks to continue, and global portfolios are not only diverse but are outperforming.

Published in Eq: Dev ex-US


China has been a no-brainer for any diverse portfolio and quite frankly continues to be one…see the full story on our partner Magnifi’s site.

Published in Wealth Management


Oil prices are surging as a comeback in the U.S. economy boosts demand…see the full story on our partner Magnifi’s site.

Published in Eq: Energy
Thursday, 08 July 2021 19:55

Growth Stocks Fuel Cathie Wood’s ARK Fund

(New York)

There has been a constant battle in growth vs value since the start of the year. Value investors are looking for counter-cyclical hedges while…see the full story on our partner Magnifi’s site.

Published in Eq: Growth
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