Friday, 29 October 2021 08:32

Goldman Makes a Bullish Call

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Inflation has been a point of contention as of late, as central banks are signaling it’s driven by the supply side constraints, and others are believing this is driven by the central bank practices themselves. Goldman Sachs chimed in saying they see 2021Q4 inflation number at 4.3% but that trailing off to 2.15% by 2022. The higher inflation in the intermediate means that the economy is at a significant risk of a right hike in early 2022. Sachs places themselves on the supply side of the debate however as semiconductor manufacturing picking up and increased imports in furniture and other consumer goods will drive down prices. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Jack Dorsey took to his own platform twitter to warn of hyper-inflation which sparked its fair share of social media controversy.

FINSUM: Inflation expectations are running pretty high historically, but surveys are really a poor metric, the TIPS market for example is predicting much more stable inflation.

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