

Munis bonds have done well recently, but the ultra-low rate environment seems to have confused many about their relevance. It is critical to remember that despite yields being so low, munis still very much have a place in the environment. In fact, one could argue the current environment is better for munis than a more conventional one. The reason why is that munis still have a major spread advantage versus taxable equivalents. For example, while munis only yield an average of 0.86% right now, that translates to a taxable yield of 1.53% for those in the top income bracket. However, as we all know, Treasury yields are still much nearer to 1%, meaning munis current enjoy a major advantage over taxable bonds.

FINSUM: Given Biden and the Democrats’ support of state and local municipalities, and munis’ currently yield advantage, there is no reason for the asset class not to have a great year.

Gold had a very strong 2020 as investors feared chaos from the pandemic. See the full story here on our partner Magnifi's site

Advisors don’t need to be told that rates are at ultra-low levels. Yet despite this, munis are still maintaining their attractiveness. See the full story here on our partner Magnifi's site.

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