Wednesday, 06 March 2024 12:24

Advisors Sticking With Alternatives Despite Gains in Stocks, Bonds

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Alternative investing was ascendant following 2022 when both stocks and bonds were down double-digits. The asset class proved its worth as it delivered positive returns while reducing portfolio volatility. 


2023 has followed a different script as the S&P 500 finished the year at new all-time highs, gaining 24%. Bonds also finished the year with healthy gains while continuing to provide attractive levels of income for investors.


Yet, there are no indications that demand for alternative assets is eroding. In fact, many wealth managers are now recommending an allocation of between 15% and 25%. According to Paul Camhi, a senior financial advisor at The Wealth Alliance, “Even after a great 2023 for stocks and bonds, we still believe that owning alternative investments as part of a properly diversified portfolio makes sense. We include these strategies as part of our strategic, long-term allocation, not as tactical short-term investments.”


Additionally, a survey of advisors by iCapital revealed that 95% plan to increase or maintain current levels of exposure. The survey also showed that 60% of advisors expect alternatives to outperform public markets this year. Within alternatives, private credit has seen the largest share of inflows. Buffered ETFs are also increasingly popular, especially for retired investors as they provide protection during periods of elevated volatility while still providing upside exposure during bull markets. 

Finsum: Alternative investments continue to see healthy inflows despite the strong performance of equities and bonds. Many now see continued benefits as it provides differentiated returns and diversification to portfolios.


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