Eq: Large Cap

(New York)

October is usually associated with market panics and gives investors a general sense of anxiety. Many of the greatest market meltdowns occurred in October, including 1929, 1987, and 2008. However, this October seems likely to be different, says Barron’s. In fact, good Octobers are not infrequent. It may surprise investors to learn that October has the highest average return of any month in the last 20 years. But the reason this year might be good is that there is a midterm election in November, a factor that has historically made October a strong month for returns.

FINSUM: When you put together the numerous factors supporting markets with the midterm elections next month, it seems like this October will be a good one.

(New York)

In a sign that is setting off alarm bells on Wall Street, the market’s safest stocks have been surging of late. Investors are increasingly demanding “quality” stocks as a buffer against a potential downturn in the market. “Quality” stocks usually refers to to companies with a range of positive characteristics like high profitability and low debt. However, market strategists point out that such stocks are so well bought that they might not have their intended effect, “Quality factors are well bid so may not be as defensive as people expect”. ETFs that track “quality” stocks have been surging.

FINSUM: One can understand the flight to quality given very high valuations and the hawkish Fed, but it is still a worrying sign that so many feel the need to take cover.

(New York)

That is quite a counterintuitive headline, but in an odd way, it could not be more true. Bloomberg has put out a piece, which echoes many advisors, that the current bull market could actually end up hurting many retirees. The reason why is that many have experienced hefty gains in the last decade and feel comfortable retiring. However, after such a sharp run higher, the market is likely to experience a steep correction. For retirees seeking to steadily withdraw money from their accounts, this could pose a major problem, as a drop in the market could cause such significant damage to portfolio value that even outperformance in subsequent years may not make up for it.

FINSUM: This is a valuable point that all retirees and their advisors need to bear in mind. Portfolio construction and planning definitely need to take this threat into account.

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