Displaying items by tag: home prices

While it might seem like the real estate industry is performing poorly, appearances can be misleading. That is according to Todd Henderson, Co-Head of Global Real Estate DWS Group. Real estate was ranked as the S&P 500's third worst-performing sector in 2022, but Henderson believes the real estate business is a lot stronger in reality. He asserts that the market from rentals to home buyers is doing well with exception of commercial office buildings. He told Yahoo Finance that “The underlying fundamentals of real estate are quite strong.” According to Henderson, rental vacancies finished last year at 5.3%, the lowest vacancy rate on record since 1988, while the rental industry saw 7.5% income growth in 2022, the highest historically, except during the recovery from COVID. He also noted another positive development, an increase in millennial homeownership. He said this will continue to bolster housing market activity. According to recent Pew Research, from 2016 to 2021, nearly every U.S. state saw an increase in the number of young adults aged 25-44 forming new households. Henderson also notes that the market has seen an increase in cash buyers. According to data analytics firm Attom, Americans bought one of every three single-family homes and condos with cash in 2022.

Finsum:While it seems like the real estate market is strugglingTodd Henderson, Co-Head of Global Real Estate DWS Group, believes the underlying fundamentals remain strong due to rental vacancies being the lowest in years, an increase in millennial homeownership, and an increase in cash buyers.

Published in Wealth Management

While housing prices have recently fallen, don’t expect a market crash like in 2008. That is according to Jack Macdowell, co-founder, and chief investment officer at alternative asset manager Palisades Group. In a January note, Goldman Sachs strategists predicted that national home prices would fall by at least 10% peak-to-trough this year, but Macdowell disagrees. He stated, "People may be concerned that we're entering into another global financial crisis-type event, where we'll see a ton of distressed inventory on the market putting downward pressure on home values. I would argue that I don't think that's the case." To back up his point, Macdowell noted that today's lenders have become smarter about loan origination than they were in the past, which helps mitigate overall default risk in the market. He also said that the ratio of mortgage debt service payments versus disposable income is currently at historically low levels, versus its peak in 2007. According to him, both of these factors lead to the unlikeliness of a "2008-esque housing" crash. In addition, Macdowell points out that in comparison to historical levels, current mortgage rates are still considered to be fairly low and while demand has fallen across the nation, Macdowell believes a low housing supply is a reason to buy the dip in existing homes sales.

Finsum:Real estate CIO Jack Macdowell doesn’t expect a 2008-style housing crash as lenders have become much smarter about loan origination and the ratio of mortgage debt service payments versus disposable income is at historically low levels. 

Published in Eq: Real Estate
Friday, 31 July 2020 08:46

Some Weakness Appears in the Housing Market


May was a rough month for the housing market, new data shows. Much of the media narrative has been on the strength of the housing market of late, but the most recent data shows that home sales fell almost 10% in May. Further, home price growth decelerated from 4.6% to 4.5% in the same month. Some economists think home price growth figures are being artificially inflated by the total lack of homes for sale, with inventory very low.

FINSUM: It is hard to tell how healthy the housing market actually is. In one way, it does look healthy, but the lack of inventory and its relationship to prices reminds us when corporate bonds market seize up and there is so little inventory that prices stay “high” because of the lack of liquidity. This is an obvious exaggeration, but there could be some truth in it.

Published in Eq: Real Estate
Tuesday, 23 October 2018 09:24

The Housing Market is Showing Warning Signs

(New York)

Everyone know the housing market is facing some headwinds. Strong home price growth combined with higher rates is hurting demand. Accordingly, sales and new activity have been falling since the late spring. However, new data shows that home prices seem to have already entered a cyclical downturn that is only going to intensify. A combination of low affordability, slowing demand, and higher rates have conspired to bring down home prices, and it does not look like things will turn around quickly. The Fed is already warning about real estate being a “downside risk” for the economy.

FINSUM: The whole housing market seems to be slowly, but surely, stalling. Homebuilder stocks have been hammered, prices are falling, and rates are rising. It seems like we are in for a downturn.

Published in Eq: Real Estate
Thursday, 01 February 2018 07:53

Why US Home Prices Might Jump

(New York)

While there has been some speculation that the US housing market may be facing a tough period ahead, new data is showing that prices might continue rising. The big worries are that rates will rise quickly, hurting mortgage demand, while at the same time, the new tax package will reduce home-buying because of the lack of deductibility of mortgage interest above a threshold. However, new data shows that housing inventory continues to sink. There are few homes for sale compared to buyer demand, and the building rate of new homes is weak. This means there is much more demand in the market than there is supply.

FINSUM: We are not very worried about home prices, especially in the lower and middle pars of the spectrum. The largest ever US generation—Millennials—is entering the key home buying period of their lives.

Published in Eq: Total Market

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