Displaying items by tag: volatility management
Where Structured Notes Fit in a 60/40 Allocation
A portfolio’s outcome is driven by a variety of factors on factors like commissions, time horizon, and asset classes, with strategy being a key determinant shaped by each manager’s risk tolerance. While a more risk averse 60/40 strategy, allocating 60% to equities and 40% to fixed income, balances growth and stability, there are other ways to achieve those outcomes in a simplified manor.
Structured notes, which combine various asset classes into one security, offer a way to achieve this allocation without multiple subscriptions, all while potentially reducing fees. But additionally structured notes offer flexibility, and actively managed notes can adjust based on market conditions, providing regular NAV updates.
However, structured notes carry risks such as limited liquidity, market risk, and default risk, which can impact their performance and investor returns. Mitigating these risks can provide a competitive advantage in the market.
Finsum: The world of structured notes is vast, but they do offer the ability to simplify portions of an investment strategy and manage moving parts easier.