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Natixis Investment Management Solutions and German index provider Solactive announced that they have partnered to offer direct indexing separately managed accounts (SMAs). The partnership will see Natixis offer its managed account clients exposure to 31 Solactive indices, including 11 of its global benchmark and 16 of its factor series. Solactive’s global benchmark suite covers 24 developed and 24 emerging markets, while its factor range covers value, quality, momentum, low volatility, growth, and small caps. Natixis’s direct indexing business has grown from $4 million in assets under management in 2002 to $8 billion today. The firm attributes this success to evolutions in the business such as falling trading fees and fractionalization that have increased retail investors’ ability to benefit from customized asset allocation. Timo Pfeiffer, chief markets officer at Solactive, had this to say about the collaboration, “Direct indexing has been progressively gaining popularity to a larger group of investors, particularly in the U.S. With this tool, investors can allocate their assets to a tailored portfolio with a Solactive benchmark as a starting point, applying numerous kinds of filters according to their needs and world views.” Curt Overway, co-head of Natixis Investment Management, added, “We are excited to begin working with Solactive and their comprehensive suite of indices, which will allow us to extend the range of capabilities and strategies we offer as part of our Active Index Advisors (AIA) offering.”

Finsum:Natixis Investment Management Solutions is extending its range of capabilities and strategies by partnering with German index provider Solactive to offer directing indexing SMAs.

Published in Wealth Management
Thursday, 23 February 2023 04:24

Model portfolios bring home the bacon

Model portfolios? Nope; they’re not exactly collecting dust. As of March of last year, they were home to nearly $350 billion in assets, according to thinkadvisor.com. Did some say increase? Must have, because that represents a jump of 22% over the prior nine months, reported Morningstar in June. 

Using model portfolios, of course, investors are able to leverage simple, effective investment methods, according to smartasset.com. The icing on the cake: minimal management is needed.

In an idyllic world, a combo of management investments based on deep dive research is behind every portfolio.

Naturally, it’s not all sugar and spices. Your asset management goes at least partially by the wayside when you put a model portfolio in your arsenal. Now, if you don’t like the idea of acquiescing total control of your cash to a financial advisor, well, a model portfolio might not be your cup of java.

And performance? No different than any other investment: guarantees: forget it. After all, professional management doesn’t translate into automatic performance.

Published in Wealth Management

Hey, naysayers – and don’t pretend you’re not paying attention -- on the heels of negative returns last year, in 2023, potentially, fixed income asset classes will come up with an improved total return performance, according to etftrends.com

In October and November, as risk markets hit the comeback trail in conjunction with indications that inflation was receding, positive momentum found its mojo. Those strides opened the gates for investors to sniff outside of interest rates that hit nosebleed levels -- even though market volatility probably isn’t headed for the door. That’s because the U.S. economy continues to pose challenges.

Given the Fed took actions that seduced rate hikes during 2022, U.S. Treasuries have up ticked big time. Consequently, the site stated, investors should contemplate a greater allocation of assets to the asset class.

Meantime, through passive investment strategies, investors still will be exposed to broad market beta, a trifecta these days of burgeoning inflation and interest rates along with greater dispersion across fixed income sectors and regions is the motherlode for skilled active management, according t0 wellington.com.


Published in Eq: Total Market

Investors are piling into the investment-grade market at a record rate due to higher yields and concerns over riskier debt. A total of $19 billion has been poured into funds that buy investment-grade corporate debt since the start of 2023. That marks the most ever at this point in the year, according to data from fund flow tracker EPFR. The money pouring into the asset class underscores an eagerness among investors to buy historically high yields provided by safer corporate debt after years of investing in riskier debt in search of returns. According to Matt Mish, head of credit strategy at UBS, “People basically think that fixed income, in general, looks a lot more attractive than it has in prior years. The euphoria around investment grade is basically more broadly this euphoria around yields. At least relative to last year and really relative to most of the last decade, [high-grade corporate debt] is offering yields that are considerably higher.” For instance, average US investment grade yields have jumped to 5.45% from 3.1% a year ago. The soaring yields come as a result of the broad sell-off in fixed income over the past year as the Federal Reserve rapidly lifted interest rates to help tame sky-high inflation.

Finsum: Investors are piling into investment-grade bond funds due to historically high yields on safer debt after years of investing in riskier debt in search of returns.

Published in Bonds: IG
Sunday, 19 February 2023 13:47

Pension Funds Turn to Active Bond Strategies

Last year was a tough year for bond investors, even pension funds. With the Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond index down 14.6%, funds had to look elsewhere to bolster returns. According to a recent Pensions & Investments survey, a significant portion of defined benefit plans reported smaller bond portfolios as of September 30th, with many dropping more than 20%. For instance, the $430.4 billion California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) saw its U.S. fixed-income exposure drop 38.3% in the year ending on September 30th to $77.2 billion. In addition, the $288.6 billion California State Teachers' Retirement System saw its domestic bond exposure fall 12.9% in the 12 months ending on September 30th to $41.3 billion. With pension funds not wanting a repeat of 2022, many are turning to active bond strategies. For example, CalPERS is looking toward active management to turn things around. The pension fund's active and passive fixed-income exposure amounted to $77.4 billion and -$206 million as of September 30th, 2022, compared to $91.6 billion and $33.6 billion a year earlier. Arnold Phillips, managing investment director for global fixed income at the pension fund, noted that the current market could provide "opportunities to tactically deploy assets when managed through an active risk governance model," which could help turn performance around.

Finsum:With pension funds seeing their bond exposures plummet last year, many are turning to active fixed-income strategies this year in the hope of turning performance around.

Published in Bonds: Total Market
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