Bonds: Total Market

A manager at Artemis believes now is the perfect time to consider active fixed income solutions. Grace Le, who co-manages the Artemis Corporate Bond Fund, told Financial Times that an active bond manager’s job is to protect their clients during uncertain times and that is exactly what we are experiencing now. She believes that the reversal of quantitative easing led to more volatility in bond markets, resulting in a “boon for active investors.” Investors are dealing with inflation, macroeconomic uncertainty, and the potential for a recession. Muzinich & Co's co-head of public markets Michael McEachern told the publication that active managers can invest in shorter-duration bonds less impacted by increasing rates and rotate into higher-quality credit that is less sensitive to the current environment. Managers can also avoid concentration in a portfolio and deploy carry trades, which means borrowing at a low-interest rate and investing in an asset that provides a higher return.

Finsum:According to two bond fund managers,investors should consider active fixed income in times of economic and market uncertainty. 

NEOS Investments, an investment firm specializing in options-based income solutions, launched three actively managed ETFs this week, including two fixed income ETFs designed to help advisors and investors navigate the current market environment. The NEOS Enhanced Income Aggregate Bond ETF (BNDI) generates monthly income from investing in a representative portfolio of the U.S. Aggregate Bond Market and implementing a data-driven put option strategy. The NEOS Enhanced Income Cash Alternative ETF (CSHI) generates monthly income from investing in a portfolio of 1–3-month Treasury Bills and implementing a data-driven put option strategy. Both ETFs, which now trade on the NYSE, utilize a put spread approach that involves selling short puts and buying long puts to generate option premiums to be distributed as income without taking on outsized risk.

Finsum:Options-based investmentfirmNEOSrecently launched two fixed income ETFsoffering investors a novel approach to monthly income.

According to Refinitiv Lipper’s fund flows, fixed income ETFs saw a net $4.5 billion in weekly outflows for the week ending on August 24th, 2022. This marked the group’s first weekly outflows in nine weeks. This also corresponded with bond ETF’s third straight week of average negative returns. The bond types with the largest outflows included corporate high yield ETFs with $3.0 billion in outflows, corporate investment grade ETFs with $733 million in outflows, and government Treasury ETFs with $570 million in weekly outflows. Corporate high yield ETFs had their eighth largest weekly outflows to date, while corporate investment grade ETFs saw their first week of outflows in eight weeks. However, not all fixed-income ETFs saw outflows. International & global debt ETFs saw $101 million in inflows and government mortgage ETFs saw $15 million in weekly inflows. Those were the only two fixed-income groups to report inflows.

Finsum:With fixed income ETFs seeing their third straight week of negative average returns, bond ETFs see their first outflows in nine weeks. 

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