Bonds: Total Market

(New York)

Inflation worries may have surged this Spring, but that has not helped real yields. When you compare the yields of stocks and bonds versus inflation, the truth is that real yields have turned negative. It is unusual for the S&P 500 to have a negative yield, which is currently at -0.81%. That is slightly better than 10-year Treasuries’ real yield of -0.87%. This has usually spelled trouble historically. Going back to 1970, there has only been one instance when the market did not decline at least 32% in the two years following the point at which yields went negative.

FINSUM: This is a pretty scary statistic, but then again, most historical contexts don’t involve a pandemic-induced country-wide shutdown and unprecedented government stimulus.

(New York)

Last week's jobs report was disappointing, to say the least, but bond market investors want to know what exactly this means for the recovery: Is this a blip or are we headed for a weakening recovery? Markets are signaling that it could be a slower tightening than they initially might have expected but upcoming data will help investors solidify their response. Job’s Openings and Labor turnover survey (jolts) will tell investors if there is a labor market slump. CPI inflation numbers on food and energy will tell investors how big the labor market spillover troubles are. Additionally, real average hourly earnings are included in this report to be released Wednesday. Finally, retail sales data is released for April on Friday. Growth is expected to slow already but the additional slowdown could be a warning.

FINSUM: These data releases are critical for not only what the bond market sees but what the Fed sees as well. If economic data slows this could change the cadence of the recovery and QE.

(New York)

After a consistent rise in yields in late February and March rates are finally falling. However…see the full story on our partner Magnifi’s site

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