الإثنين, 29 تشرين2/نوفمبر 2021 19:28

When to Choose an Annuity

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Annuities are more available than ever these days. Many large providers have been designing products just for RIAs and are making a big push in the area. Additionally, annuities are now easily included in 401ks. But when is it right to choose one? The overall value of annuities has declined as rates have fallen, but as rates rise, they are becoming more attractive as a source of good guaranteed income. Additionally, they offer unique tax benefits that help enhance returns. Brighthouse, for example is a leading provider of annuities and lead the industry with the FlexChoice (variable annuity) and Shield (index-linked annuities) products. Choosing the right annuity depends on your client’s goals.

FINSUM: Annuities increasingly fit into a client’s portfolio in myriad ways. In some cases for a lower wealth client, it can be a near one-stop shop to accomplish retirement goals, especially if that client is prone to not managing budgets well. In other cases, annuities can provide just a small portion of a portfolio, but do so with guaranteed income.

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