الأربعاء, 24 كانون2/يناير 2018 11:32

SEC Cracking Down on Blockchain

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The whole market seems to have become punch-drunk with blockchain fever. The recent cases of small companies seeing their share prices surge on the back of adding “blockchain” to their name has been well documented. Now the SEC is cracking down. Jay Clayton, chairman of the SEC had this to say on the issue, amidst an even larger statement shaming the rebranding practice: “The SEC is looking closely at the disclosures of public companies that shift their business models to capitalize on the perceived promise of distributed-ledger technology and whether the disclosures comply with the securities laws, particularly in the case of an offering.”

FINSUM: The final straw seemed to be when a publicly traded company that specializes in Long Island ice teas changed its name to Long Blockchain and saw its shares skyrocket.

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