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Saturday, 05 August 2023 03:56

Alternative Investments Finding Favor With Gen Z Investors

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Generation Z is defined as being born in between the mid 90s and mid 2010s. Older members of this group are starting their careers and beginning their investing journeys. This group is shaped by events like the 2008 financial crisis and the pandemic. They also are the first generation to grow up with the Internet and have a much more intuitive relationship with technology especially when it comes to managing finances.


In a piece for USA Today, Jon Stojan explains why alternative investments are gaining traction with Generation Z. Some of the unconventional options include investing in art, wine, farmland in addition to more known options like cryptocurrencies and precious metals. 


According to a survey from the Lansons Group, only 10% of Americans have invested in alternative assets but 30% of Gen Z investors have done so, highlighting the appeal of alternatives.


The most commonly cited reasons are a potential for high returns, hedging against inflation, and interest in tangible, enduring value. However, there are some drawbacks to these asset classes especially as their performance is unproven through multiple market cycles unlike stocks and bonds. Additionally, they tend to come with higher costs and less liquidity.

Finsum: Alternative investments are gaining traction with Generation Z investors who are looking to invest in asset classes beyond just stocks and bonds. Examples include cryptocurrencies, precious metals, artwork, farmland, and wine.

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