Displaying items by tag: recruiting

الأربعاء, 14 شباط/فبراير 2024 03:25

Financial Advisor Industry Trends Troubling for New Advisors

The number of new advisors is not keeping up with retirements and attrition. According to Cerulli, the number of new advisors only increased by 2,706 in the previous years. This is troubling given that the firm projects that nearly 110,000 advisors will be retiring over the next decade. 


This amounts to nearly 38% of all advisors and 41% of total assets. These numbers and trends highlight the need for the industry to do a better job of attracting and retaining fresh talent. The crux of the issue seems to not be recruitment but that there is a 72% rookie failure rate. Some recommendations are growing and nurturing a talent pipeline, better communication of the role and responsibilities of a financial advisor, and a more structured training program which entails ramping up responsibilities.


Ideally, newer advisors would start in roles focused on operations and improving the practice before shifting into a producer role. Cerulli recommends that seniors advisors’ team with new advisors and provide them with experience in engaging with clients and gathering assets before they transition to more independent roles. It notes that many advisors who build successful, long-term careers were the recipients of such mentorship and guidance at the start of their careers. 

Finsum: 2023 was another year of poor recruitment figures for the financial advisor’s industry. Here are some recommendations on improving the success rate of new advisors. 


Published in Wealth Management
الجمعة, 22 كانون1/ديسمبر 2023 17:14

Independent, Hybrid RIAs Seeing Most Growth

According to a study from Cerulli Associates, independent and hybrid RIAs are seeing the most growth in advisor headcount compared to other channels. This same trend is evident across larger time frames as well and an indication that independence is an enticement for advisors. 


Over the last decade, the number of independent RIAs has grown by a 2.4% annual rate, while the number of advisors working at independent RIAs has increased by an annual rate of 5.2%. Over the next 5 years, total advisor headcount is projected to remain flat, but independent and hybrid RIAs are forecast to see more gains in advisor headcount. And independent and hybrid firms are projected to control 31% of intermediary market share by 2027.


Some of the reasons that independent and hybrid RIAs may appeal to advisors are more flexibility and higher payout percentages. In contrast, the more established firms offer the leverage of corporate scale in addition to access to technology, training, and resources. 


A survey by Fidelity of advisors in October had similar findings. Over the past 5 years, 1 out of 6 advisors had switched firms. Independent RIAs were the top destination. 94% of advisors who switched firms were happy with the decision, and 80% reported growth in assets under management. 

Finsum: Independent and hybrid RIAs are seeing continued growth in terms of advisor headcount at a time when total growth in headcount for the industry is flat. 


Published in Wealth Management
الأربعاء, 20 كانون1/ديسمبر 2023 03:04

Practical Strategies for Growth

At the onset of their careers, most financial advisors have big aspirations. Yet, many fail to realize their ambitions and plateau at certain levels. At each level, there are common obstacles that need to be overcome. 


The first phase is the hustle phase, when a lot of energy is expended to start building the business. During this phase, key steps to take are to invest in yourself by embracing discomfort and stretching beyond yourself to grow, build a capable team, get in the habit of giving out value without any expectations, find like-minded and supportive individuals to surround yourself on the journey, and embrace acting fast. Technology can also be leveraged to level the playing field.


The next phase is the surrender phase. During this, the major focus is on building a team and transitioning from being a solo operator. At some point, this becomes necessary in order to achieve more growth. It will require adopting a CEO mindset, focusing on key tasks while delegating others, and developing scalable systems. 


The final phase is the harmony phase. This is when you can step back with minimal interruption to the business. During this phase, the major focus is on aligning personal and professional goals, finding new avenues of growth by leveraging your team, investing in sustainability, instilling a culture, and embracing the flow. 

Finsum: Financial advisors go through phases during their careers that require different strategies and ways of thinking. 


Published in Wealth Management
الخميس, 07 كانون1/ديسمبر 2023 11:26

UBS Upping Focus on Advisor Recruiting, Asset Growth

UBS Wealth Management Americas posted a small increase in advisor headcount and added $300 million in new assets during the third quarter. Both are the first gains after two quarters of declines. Last quarter, UBS had outflows of $3.4 billion. 


The unit posted profits of $307 million, which was $231 million less than last year’s Q3. The bank attributed this to lower commissions as more clients shift towards a fee-based planning model. Another factor is that UBS CEO Sergio Ermotti noted that it doesn’t include interest and dividends when calculating asset growth unlike US competitors. In future quarters, the company will be calculating asset growth in this manner. 


In the quarter, advisor headcount increased from 6,071 to 6,142. However, headcount is still down 2% on a year-over-year basis. The company said in part this is due to its recruitment efforts focusing on a small group of high-producing advisors. Ermotti added that the company is resuming growth bonuses for any advisors who add million-dollar clients. 


Overall, US brokers managed $1.76 trillion in client assets which was up 16% compared to last year primarily due to asset price appreciation. UBS’ Americas unit is a laggard relative to other geographies within the company and its US-based competitors when it comes to asset growth. 

Finsum: UBS posted a small increase in net new assets and advisor headcount. The company is focused on boosting asset growth through the recruitment of high-earning brokers. 


Published in Wealth Management
الثلاثاء, 28 تشرين2/نوفمبر 2023 02:57

Implications of Advisor Demographics on Recruiting

A major consideration for many firms is the aging of financial advisors. It’s estimated that over the next 5 years, 25% of advisors will be approaching retirement age. This demographic reality means that recruiting will be a greater challenge and of even more importance. 


Similar to financial planning, effective recruiting means setting clear goals and identifying what your firm needs. This will ensure that your decisions and actions are in alignment with the long-term vision. 


When looking at which groups to target, some common pools to consider are interns and recent college graduates, emerging advisors, and paraplanners. In terms of finding the best candidates, it can be helpful to do some research on competitors to see what they are offering recruits in addition to understanding what prospective hires value. 


Many may not be familiar with the various opportunities and career paths of an advisor. Nor will they be familiar with how an advisor can have a meaningful impact on their clients’ lives so having some personal examples of helping clients and building relationships will be particularly useful. Many candidates also will want some visibility around how the business works, and how the progression will work in terms of professional development, compensation, responsibilities, and partnership opportunities.

Finsum: A major challenge for the financial advisor industry is that 25% of advisors are approaching retirement age. This means that effective recruiting is of greater importance and value.


Published in Wealth Management
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