Displaying items by tag: democrats

الأربعاء, 07 شباط/فبراير 2018 10:44

Does the Right or Left Put Out More Fake News?


Fake news has become an important part of the American conversation. People discuss it at work, dinner parties, and at the kitchen table. But one fiercely contested question is whether the right or left side of the political spectrum puts out more fake news. Well, the British seem to have an answer, it is the right, according to the University of Oxford. The university analyzed near 100,000 social media posts to trace the source of fake news, and found that what it calls the “hard right” dominates the use of disinformation.

FINSUM: Obviously take this with a big grain of salt, but an interesting study nonetheless.

Published in Politics
الثلاثاء, 06 شباط/فبراير 2018 10:26

Raw Math Upends Republican Midterm Election Assumptions


The midterm elections are currently dominated by two incompatible assumptions. Democrats think Trump’s low approval rating and the rash of Republican congressional retirements will lead to a big string of victories for their party. Republicans hope that growing economic confidence, underpinned by the White House’s policies, will win out. The big X-factor is now the stock market, which has been gutted over the last few days, a fact which could rattle the economic confidence of Americans. Democrats need 24 seats in the House to take back a majority. Many suspect they will win 30.

FINSUM: Trump and the Republican party are up against history (the party of the President typically does poorly in midterms), and now possibly the markets and economy.

Published in Politics
الخميس, 25 كانون2/يناير 2018 11:04

The Midterm Elections are a Huge Challenge for Republicans


There is no doubt about it, the midterm elections of this year are going to be an enormous challenge for the Republican party. As the election in Alabama last month showed, the tide has swung politically, and many Republicans looking at reelection are facing tough campaigns or have resigned rather than run and lose. Examples of the challenge abound, such as Republican congressman Frelinghuysen from New Jersey, who is facing his first real test in 23 years. History also doesn’t suggest a favorable result, as the midterm election often acts as a referendum on the White House. Democrats got beaten in the midterms after both Clinton and Obama’s elections.

FINSUM: With Trump’s approval rating quite low, it does seem like a lot of the public might retaliate against the party by voting against their GOP congressional candidates.

Published in Politics
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