Displaying items by tag: facebook

الخميس, 07 تشرين1/أكتوير 2021 20:12

Whistleblower Looms Over Facebook

Facebook was blacked out on Monday October 5, 2021, which they claim was related to technical issues on their backbone routers. This came just before Frances Haugen, former product manager for Facebook’s civil integrity team, said that regulators need to intervene in the ‘crisis’. Haugen told ‘60 Minutes’ that she saw Facebook consistently choose profits over public safety at Facebook.She took with her tens of thousands of documents that prove these claims. Additionally, she filed complaints with the SEC that Facebook misled investors and advertisers by not sharing the whole picture about its platform.

FINSUM: This was a huge hit to Facebook stock on Monday, but it piggybacked on the rest of tech’s rally Tuesday morning to see some recovery. It is difficult to tell how long this may loom over the stock.

Published in Eq: Tech
الإثنين, 26 تشرين1/أكتوير 2020 12:44

Weighing Large Cap Value vs Big Tech Stocks

(San Francisco)

There are rising fears about the potential over-valuation of big tech megacaps. While they have risen very strongly this year, their P/E ratios are not the only worry. Regulations are also weighing on investors’ minds, especially after the announcement of the anti-trust probe by the DOJ into Google. That has not stopped the stocks from rallying, however. Most investors are betting that the government’s numerous overtures about anti-trust moves (which have come from both sides of the aisle) are merely saber-rattling.

FINSUM: As it concerns large cap value versus big tech stocks, the answer is simple—it seems like time to buy both. Big tech may keep rising, but there is enough fear to keep other large cap stocks rising as we enter a prolonged recovery, as they have been for several weeks.

Published in Eq: Tech
الإثنين, 03 آب/أغسطس 2020 15:26

Microsoft Acquisition of TikTok Could be Game-changing


For the last week, Microsoft has been in a delicate dance to try to acquire the hugely popular social media app TikTok. President Trump has been adamant that it needs to be bought by US interests or he may ban the app. Last week, Microsoft said it was trying to acquire the company, but then swiftly abandoned the efforts because Trump said he would block the deal. Now, Microsoft says that Satya Nadella and Trump have spoken and gotten on the same page and that the deal is back on. Wedbush thinks the deal could be transformational for Microsoft as it would put them in direct competition with Facebook, Alphabet etc, and give them a huge social media prize while those competitors remain mired in major regulatory scrutiny.

FINSUM: TikTok already has 100 million users in the US. We think if this goes through it could end up being a major boost to Microsoft. Perhaps not unlike Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram.

Published in Eq: Tech
الأربعاء, 01 تموز/يوليو 2020 08:16

How Bad Could the Facebook Boycott Get?

(San Francisco)

Facebook’s stock has taken a hit lately, and with good reason. Several large businesses have announced boycotts of Facebook because of their poor record on hate speech. A recent survey found a third of top US brands are planning to suspend their social media spending soon. That spending is of course not just limited to Facebook, but Twitter, and others as well. According to the World Federation of Advertiser’s, a trade body covering 90% of the world’s ad spending, the survey of 58 WFA members who account for $90 bn of ad spend worldwide found that combined with the one-third just mentioned, an additional 41% were still undecided about whether to pause campaigns. According to the CEO of the WFA, “In all candour, it feels like a turning point … What’s striking is the number of brands who are saying they are reassessing their longer-term media allocation strategies and demanding structural changes in the way platforms address racial intolerance, hate speech and harmful content”.

FINSUM: Hard to tell if this could be a sustained movement that could really hurt Facebook and other social media companies, or this will just be a few-week flash in the pan that will make no real difference. Our view is that the social media companies will respond strongly now that it is threatening revenue, and the advertisers will quickly fall back in line because the social media platforms are the bedrock of current customer acquisition strategies.

Published in Eq: Tech
الإثنين, 20 نيسان/أبريل 2020 15:45

Big Tech Stocks Look Golden

(San Francisco)

The market has seen some very healthy (or perhaps not) gains in the last few weeks, but many are still worried about a plunge to come as the full impact of the COVID lockdown reverberates through the economy. Tech stocks have been big beneficiaries of the rally, with the big companies adding $250 bn to their market caps recently. Those gains look more sustainable than elsewhere too. Fund managers have been seeking refuge in the shares, and their business models look more defensible than most.

FINSUM: We are very bullish on big tech stocks. This whole lockdown is going to shift habits more towards ecommerce (and not just online retail, but food ordering etc), which means Google and Facebook are going to be able to collect their digital advertising tax on a bigger pot than ever.

Published in Eq: Tech
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